On March 13-66, 2025, eBio-hub participated at the PoliBioFest Festival – event dedicated to the latest technologies and trends in the food, agricultural and environmental industries. The event dedicated to environmental protection technologies and innovations in the field of sustainability was received with great enthusiasm by all participants. How can we combat climate change, what will we eat in 50 years, how can Romania have better agricultural yields or how to digitally transform the food industry were just some of the questions that found their answers at Poli BioFEST.
On March 5-6, 2025, eBio-hub team participated at the first edition of POLI INTERNATIONAL FEST – a festival dedicated to engineering studies in foreign languages, as well as to the celebration of education union through cultural diversity, the promotion of intercultural exchanges and international partnerships.
On March 3-6, 2025, Iuliana Biru, eBio-hub research team member participated at the “8th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials” with the oral presentation “Bio-derived polybenzoxazines for advanced applications. Insightful thermal and mechanical characterization”.
On 21st November 2024, Assoc. Prof. Gratiela Gradisteanu, Sterring Committee member of the eBio-hub project, participated at the Oncohub with the oral presentation “Role of the gut microbiome in cancer diagnostic and therapy”.
Between 14 and 15 of November eBio-hub team participated at the first edition of MedFEST - a revolutionary event organized by POLITEHNICA Bucharest, dedicated to medical engineering with all the opportunities it brings for the progress of science and for the good of humanity.
The National Scientific Autumn Conference of the Romanian Academy of Scientists took place in Iasi, between 23 and 24 of September 2024, where the Center of Ecellence in Bioengineering, represented by eBio-hub team participated with plenary and oral presentations treating state-of the-art subject from scientific community.
On September 19th 2024, the eBio-hub team member, PhD Laura Elena Andrei participated at the National Microorganisms Day Conference, with the oral presentation “On-chip device with interdigitated electrodes for electrical bacterial lysis”. The Steerring Committee member, Assoc. Prof. Gratiela Gradisteanu gave a plenary talk “Microbiome & cancer – a complicated equation”, she is also member in the organizing committee of the conference.
On June 6th 2024, Assoc. Prof. Gratiela Gradisteanu, Sterring Committee member of the eBio-hub project, gave a lecture on the bioengineering trends in diabetes management at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, School of Medicine -Department of Pharmacology, Greece.
The Academy of Romanian Scientists organised the Spring Scientific Conference of AOSR (2024) in Bucharest, on Friday, May 24 and Saturday, May 25, 2024. The Center of Excellence in Bioengineering was represented by: Dr. Ciprian Iliescu- ERA Chair, Prof. Dr. Cornel Cobianu, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Grațiela Grădișteanu-Pîrcălăbioru, Dr. Florina Iliescu, Dr. Irina Lixandru-Petre and Drd. Laura Andrei.
Prof. Mariana Ionita, member of SC of the eBio-hub project gave an invited talk ““Emerging strategies in bone regeneration: from scaffold to tissue regeneration ” at the 5th International Conference on Nanomaterials, Nanofabrication and Nanocharacterization (https://www.nanomach.org/), which took place between 18-24 April, 2024, Oludeniz, Turkey.
Between 12 and 14 April 2024 eBio-hub team participated at POLIChemistryFEST 2024 - the mainstay event dedicated to the applications of chemistry in all areas of life.