The list of all the deliverables submitted during the eBio-hub project implementation so far
Deliverable D1.1 – Movement of ERA Chair Holder to the host institution (M1)
Deliverable D2.1 – Appointment of the leader of eBio-hub research team (M17)
Deliverable D2.2 - Recruitment of eBio-hub research team members (M7)
Deliverable D2.4 – Organigram of the new eBio-hub research team (M15)
Deliverable D3.1 - Data Management Plan (M6)
Deliverable D3.2 – ERA Chair strategic RDI acting plan (M15)
Deliverable D4.1 - Proof of application report for national and EU funding (M15)
Deliverable D4.3 - Report on national/international winter/summer schools (M15)
Deliverable D4.4 - Report on national/international workshops (M15)
Deliverable D5.1 – Agenda of national/international collaborations (M15)
Deliverable D6.1 - Plan for dissemination, exploitation and communication (M6)